The Awareness Project
What is it?
The Awareness Project is an online initiative intended to raise...awareness...of one of New York City's most enagaging cultural attractions, Off-Off Broadway, also know as Indie Theatre. We are thrilled to include the Awareness Project as part of our documentary Burning to Communicate. The documentary traces the the development of the revolutionary Off-Off Broadway scene in NYC. We are exploring the creative question through archival footage and firsthand interviews with those there at the beginning and who currently create independent theater.
What is Off-Off Broadway?
We weren't very surprised that not many people could define Off-Off Broadway. It is a dynamic cultural experience that is always changing. What surprised us was that even many native New Yorkers don't take more advantage of this exciting form of entertainment.
Each year there are nearly 1,000 shows mounted in the New York City area alone. This includes musicals, straight plays, solo performances, and performance art.
What's Up Next?
Our Life on Earth
Help Support Ukraine
April, 22, 2022 – DecadesOut is against the violent and internationally destabilizing actions taken by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine. In response, there are multiple ways we can support those most impacted, namely the Ukrainian people: UNICEF, International Committee of the Red Cross, and the UN Refugee Agency.
The Puffin Foundation supports The Science of Violence
June 26, 2017
The Puffin Foundation has awarded DecadesOut a 2017 grant for its development of the online series, The Science of Violence.
The SPARK Project, conversations between artists and scientists
March 15, 2016
The SPARK Project aims to facilitate and share creative communication between scientists and artists. DecadesOut will curate and support conversations between artists and scientists.
The Puffin Foundation supports the Weather Project
February 1, 2016
The Puffin Foundation has awarded DecadesOut a 2015 filmmaking grant for its development of the documentary short, The Weather Project.